Sunday, October 5, 2008

Long time coming

Here I am!
So now it seems that I am really here. I did it. Finland is my home. And I love it.
I decided to start posting here finally, because I am really finally HERE.
I got offered a spot in the Nokia Graduate Program, which is this program where they "invest in people" and basically give you three, six-month long projects to work on, with the intent to give you as much exposure to Nokia, as well as supervision and feedback... basically guaranteeing a position after the 18-months are over (it was even stated as an "expectation" during my interviews... made me a bit nervous). But this year is the first year that they are having specialists in Environmental Affairs in this program, and I am quite lucky to be selected. From what I understand, the selection process is very competitive. It makes me a teensy bit uneasy to commit myself to Nokia for a definite 18 months, and a likely career, but I suppose it is necessary at some point. I have now made a commitment to SOMETHING!!! And the thought of never having to worry about a residence permit again is quite nice. I just need to figure out how to balance a bit better, and that is one of the purposes of this blog. I want a place to track my progress and share with others. And if I find myself posting ONLY about work, well then I give everyone free reign to chastise me. If anyone even ends up reading this, that is...
So today is just a dreary October Sunday in Helsinki. I woke up a bit ansty and had to do some cleaning, and whilst taking out the trash I noticed that it isn't quite as dreary as it looks. So I suppose I will do some Pilates immediately upon posting this, then some stretches and a heating pad on my back (another big goal in the coming months is to work in more physical fitness into my routine). Uh oh... I have been thinking of re-doing my personal ABCD. If I do, it will most likely get posted here.
I will go visit some friends this afternoon... part of my extended "Finnish family". Then I will study Finnish, make a salad, and read (current read is better-late-than-never for last month's book club, The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood... so far so great). So on with the day for me. And thanks for reading this first post!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... look amazing! Love yer blog!