Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obligatory political post

Ok kids. Here we go.
The president is supposed to be the leader of the U.S.A., right? My brother said it best when he said that the president is the mascot for America. Of course you want a president whose politics you support, but at the end of the day, you should focus that energy into choosing your congressional representatives.

Here's what I want in a leader:
Someone who can unite the country and diffuse all of the aggression that is brewing there. That is basically the main reason that I can't live in that country... overall things feel so aggressive and judgmental and black and white and small-minded. Sorry, but that is just how I feel. I am really unhappy when I have to live in the States (just ask my mom and Jim... they know all too well).
And it has gotten WAAAAY worse during the past 8 years. The president really does set the tone for the country, no matter how much you try to ignore it. I first moved to Finland in Aug 1999 as an exchange student. Then people reacted positively when they heard I was American. Now... not so much. I cannot tell you how many people have given me shit because of Bush and the war. It is embarassing and I really sick of it. Just the other night I was standing in a taxi line talking to my friend, when the woman (Finnish) in back of us heard that I was American and went OFF about how much she supports Obama and hates republicans and thinks it is the most important decision of our time. She looked like your typical blonde Helsinki party-animal, but she knew her shit and spoke her mind. It was impressive. Who knows who the president of Finland is? Now you do.
Having people how spew and shove ideas down everyone's throat as a leader makes people not like us. And guess what, a certain pig who wears lipstick is seriously aggressive and small-minded and she scares me.

"Now get that bitch out of here. Nothing personal. I love her soul."

But seriously, I find it interesting that a certain party which uses really aggressive, fear-mongering tactics is the same party whose policies and positions seem to be inciting aggressive thoughts and behaviors against the U.S. Karma is a bitch too, I guess.
Anywho, check out what my amazing friend Lisa has been spending her time doing. They've lauched the Obama-rama Swing State tour where they go around guerrila-style (as in marketing, not warfare) in their Stealth Van and assert their 1st amendment right.

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