Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Songs in my head

Once again, I woke up with a random song in my head. As I perused the news first thing in the morning, I had to have a real life listen.
I don't think I've ever seen this video, but it is pret-ty cheesy.

It cracks me up how some of the greatest bands (which tend to lean toward the heavier side) can have the lamest videos. Brilliant music, but silly vids. Another one of my all-time favorite bands threw this one at us most recently.

And just because there isn't a good shot of the most gorgeous man in Finland in that Amorphis video: Tomi Koivusaari. It's prounounced (in a Homer voice) "Mmmmmmm... TOH'- mee KOI'-voo-sah-ree" Check out this one. He's the rhythm guitar player with the bun. Yeah. A bun... a very, very manly bun.

Aw man, I just got word that I should go in for a meeting with the VP for Environmental Affairs and head of Env Affairs-Corporate this afternoon. Not that I am not happy to meet with them, its just that I have been enjoying my time off A LOT. This is my last week as a slacker, sleep in 'til whenever I want, spend all day doing whatever I want, living in Celialand kind of person. Next Monday I re-join the corporate world and will do my best to not let this blog (or my life) become about work.

Whoosh, now I am off to meet a friend for coffee this morning. I spent the last few days by myself and now I think I need to make an effort to rejoin humanity.

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